Aerial view of ClearCorrect retainer on a blue background

How to Care for Your Clear Aligners

July 17, 2020 10:16 pm | Published by

Have you just started clear aligner therapy? You’re likely so excited to finally straighten your teeth and achieve a perfect smile. But don’t forget that a major part of orthodontic treatment is a commitment to wearing your aligners every day for at least 20-22 hours, plus a commitment to caring for those retainers so they can keep working hard for you.

Here’s how you can make sure that you’re taking the best care of your clear aligners to ensure that they’re doing the best job for you:

Cleaning Schedule

You should always clean your clear retainers before putting them back on your teeth. That means after you brush your teeth in the morning and in the night, and it means after you’ve taken them out to eat or drink. You don’t want to trap any food or debris in there just to settle on your teeth!

Avoid Hot Water

The first thing you should do when cleaning your clear retainers is to rinse them with water. When doing so though, make sure you don’t use hot water. That high temperature can end up distorting the shape of your retainer, which means it won’t be as effective as keeping your teeth in place. Rinse only with cool or lukewarm water.

How to Brush

To brush your aligners, use a soft-bristled toothbrush in small circular motions. Remember to clean both the inside and outside of the retainer to make sure you’re getting away all the bad bacteria that may be hiding there. Use liquid dish soap instead of toothpaste on your retainers. Once you’re done, go ahead and give it another rinse.

Orthodontics at Optima Dental Spa

Looking for more tips on keeping those clear retainers in tip-top shape? As providers of ClearCorrect clear aligner therapy at our various practice locations, we’re happy to help! Feel free to call or email us with any questions you might have.

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